Inclusive Banking

Company Overview

At PayHist, our goal is to help all Americans to take control of their finances with ability to manage your account with cash advances to avoid overdraft fees and become “Credit Visible.” Rent recurring monthly payments can show you are a responsible bill payer and you should be approved for credit card and build your credit.

About Us

Our Vision is to help Americans take control of their finances and build credit. Recurring payments like rent can show that a person is a responsible bill payer and information should be reported to the credit bureau.

Our Philosophy about taking control of finances and building credit is holistic and inclusive. We believe the current systems, while inadequate, can still work for all Americans through our rent reporting services and allowing customers to manage their finances plus build or enhance credit with our $300 credit limit credit card.

Our Focus is on our customers who deserve avoiding overdraft fees, credit for their on-time rent payments and credit card to build credit. Our rent bureau reporting will result in increased of credit scores over time.

Our Team is composed of seasoned financial experts with complimentary backgrounds that share the same values and beliefs.